Color Utilities

Text Color

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. This sets color: inherit !important.
<div className="text-blue" href="#1"></div>
<div className="text-indigo" href="#1"></div>
<div className="text-purple" href="#1"></div>
<div className="text-pink" href="#1"></div>
<div className="text-red" href="#1"></div>
<div className="text-orange" href="#1"></div>
<div className="text-yellow" href="#1"></div>
<div className="text-green" href="#1"></div>
<div className="text-teal" href="#1"></div>
<div className="text-cyan" href="#1"></div>
<div className="text-primary"></div>
<div className="text-secondary"></div>
<div className="text-success"></div>
<div className="text-info"></div>
<div className="text-warning"></div>
<div className="text-danger"></div>
<div className="text-dark"></div>
<div className="text-light"></div>
<div className="text-muted"></div>
<div className="text-white"></div>
<div className="text-black-50"></div>
<div className="text-white-50"></div>
<div className="text-reset"></div>

Text color utilities applied to anchor tags. These styles will only be output if a text color has hover state styles.

<a className="text-blue" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-indigo" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-purple" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-pink" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-red" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-orange" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-yellow" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-green" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-teal" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-cyan" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-primary" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-secondary" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-success" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-info" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-warning" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-danger" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-dark" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-light" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-muted" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-white" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-black-50" href="#1"></a>
<a className="text-white-50" href="#1"></a>

Text Color Sass API

The map $text-theme-colors allows generating any number of text color variants. If a key starts with ., # or %, Clay will output it as is, otherwise we will prepend .text- to the key (e.g., .text-primary).

$text-theme-colors: (
	'primary': (
		color: $primary !important,
	'%text-tertiary': (
		color: green !important,
	'.text-tertiary': (
		extend: '%text-tertiary',
	'.text-quaternary': (
		extend: '%text-tertiary',


.text-primary {
	color: #0b5fff !important;

.text-quaternary {
	color: green !important;

Background Color

bg-blueThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-indigoThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-purpleThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-pinkThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-redThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-orangeThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-yellowThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-greenThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-tealThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-cyanThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-primaryThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-secondaryThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-successThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-infoThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-warningThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-dangerThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-darkThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-lightThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-whiteThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
bg-transparentThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
<div className="bg-blue"></div>
<div className="bg-indigo"></div>
<div className="bg-purple"></div>
<div className="bg-pink"></div>
<div className="bg-red"></div>
<div className="bg-orange"></div>
<div className="bg-yellow"></div>
<div className="bg-green"></div>
<div className="bg-teal"></div>
<div className="bg-cyan"></div>
<div className="bg-primary"></div>
<div className="bg-secondary"></div>
<div className="bg-success"></div>
<div className="bg-info"></div>
<div className="bg-warning"></div>
<div className="bg-danger"></div>
<div className="bg-dark"></div>
<div className="bg-light"></div>
<div className="bg-white"></div>
<div className="bg-transparent"></div>

Background Color Sass API

The map $bg-theme-colors allows generating any number of background color variants. If a key starts with ., # or %, Clay will output it as is, otherwise we will prepend .bg- to the key (e.g., .bg-primary).

$bg-theme-colors: (
	'primary': (
		background-color: $primary !important,
	'%bg-tertiary': (
		background-color: green !important,
	'.bg-tertiary': (
		extend: '%bg-tertiary',
	'.bg-quaternary': (
		extend: '%bg-tertiary',


.bg-primary {
	background-color: #0b5fff !important;

.bg-quaternary {
	background-color: green !important;
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Matuzalém Teles

Last edited January 29, 2025 at 1:35:05 AM