Panel Toggle content visibility using Panel.
install yarn add @clayui/panel version use import Panel from ' @clayui/panel ' ;
The Panel is a replacement for the old ClayCollapse in version 2.x, has the same effect but written in React using composition, try it. We recommend that you review the use cases in the Storybook .
Basic Usage
import { Provider } from '@clayui/core' ;
import Panel from '@clayui/panel' ;
import React from 'react' ;
import '@clayui/css/lib/css/atlas.css' ;
export default function App ( ) {
return (
< Provider spritemap ="/public/icons.svg" >
< div className ="p-4" >
< Panel
displayTitle ="Title"
displayType ="secondary"
showCollapseIcon ={ true }
< Panel .Body > { 'Body!' } </ Panel .Body >
</ Panel >
</ div >
</ Provider >
) ;
Usage with a custom Title
allows you to add custom content to the title of the panel as seen in this example using ClayLabels
import { Provider } from '@clayui/core' ;
import Panel from '@clayui/panel' ;
import Label from '@clayui/label' ;
import React from 'react' ;
import '@clayui/css/lib/css/atlas.css' ;
export default function App ( ) {
return (
< Provider spritemap ="/public/icons.svg" >
< div className ="p-4" >
< Panel
displayTitle ={
< Panel .Title >
< h3 > { 'Title' } </ h3 >
< span > { 'If field ' } </ span >
< Label displayType ="success" > { 'Country' } </ Label >
< Label > { 'Is Equal To' } </ Label >
< span > { 'value ' } </ span >
< Label displayType ="info" > { 'Brazil' } </ Label >
< span > { 'enable ' } </ span >
< Label displayType ="success" > { 'State' } </ Label >
</ Panel .Title >
displayType ="secondary"
showCollapseIcon ={ true }
< Panel .Body > { 'Body!' } </ Panel .Body >
</ Panel >
</ div >
</ Provider >
) ;
API Reference Parameters Properties collapsable boolean | undefined
Flag to indicate that Panel is collapsable.
collapseClassNames string | undefined
Adds classes to the collapse element. Only when collapsable
is true.
collapseHeaderClassNames string | undefined
Adds classes to the collapse header element. Only when collapsable
is true.
defaultExpanded boolean | undefined
Flag to indicate the initial value of expanded (uncontrolled).
displayTitle React.ReactNode
Content to display in Panel Title.
displayType "secondary" | "unstyled" | "block" | "default" | undefined
Flag to indicate the visual variation of the Panel.
expanded boolean | undefined
Determines if menu is expanded or not (controlled).
onExpandedChange InternalDispatch < boolean > | undefined
Callback for when dropdown changes its active state (controlled).
showCollapseIcon boolean | undefined
= true
Flag to toggle collapse icon visibility when collapsable
is true.
size "lg" | "sm" | undefined
Flag to indicate the visual variation of the Panel.
spritemap string | undefined
Path to spritemap for clay icons
Returns Element
Body ({ children , className , ... otherProps } : React . HTMLAttributes < HTMLDivElement >) => JSX .Element
Group ({ children , className , fluid , fluidFirst , fluidLast , flush , small , ... otherProps } : IProps ) => JSX .Element
Parameters fluidFirst boolean | undefined
Flag to signify that panel-group-fluid-first
class should be added.
This class generally should be used inside card or sheet
fluidLast boolean | undefined
Flag to signify that panel-group-fluid-last
class should be added.
This class generally should be used inside card or sheet
fluid boolean | undefined
Flag to signify that panel-group-fluid
class should be added.
This class generally should be used inside card or sheet
flush boolean | undefined
Flag to signify that panel-group-flush
class should be added.
This class generally should be used inside card, sheet, or a type of padded container.
small boolean | undefined
Flag to enable the small variation for panels within a group of panels.
Returns Element({ children , className , ... otherProps } : React . HTMLAttributes < HTMLDivElement >) => JSX .Element
({ children , className , ... otherProps } : React . HTMLAttributes < HTMLDivElement >) => JSX .Element
Title ({ children , className , ... otherProps } : React . HTMLAttributes < HTMLDivElement >) => JSX .Element
Edit this page on GitHub Contributors
Matuzalém Teles, Bryce Osterhaus, Diego Nascimento, Krešimir Čoko
Last edited January 29, 2025 at 1:35:02 AM