A toolbar is a set of actions related to a specific context that are grouped into a horizontal bar.
install yarn add @clayui/toolbar version use import TimePicker from ' @clayui/toolbar ' ;
A toolbar organizes actions into a horizontal bar that is responsive. Its height changes to accommodate the height of the elements it contains. The toolbar always maintains the vertical alignment.
import { Provider } from '@clayui/core' ;
import Toolbar from '@clayui/toolbar' ;
import React from 'react' ;
import '@clayui/css/lib/css/atlas.css' ;
export default function App ( ) {
return (
< Provider spritemap ="/public/icons.svg" >
< div className ="p-4" >
< Toolbar >
< Toolbar .Nav >
< Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Action
aria-label ="Previous"
href ="#"
symbol ="angle-left"
title ="Previous"
</ Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Item expand >
< Toolbar .Section >
< span className ="text-truncate-inline" >
< span className ="text-truncate" >
'Item 1 of 3,138,732,873,467,182,321,341,231,234,342,559,827,334,424'
</ span >
</ span >
</ Toolbar .Section >
</ Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Link href ="#" >
{ 'Component Link' }
</ Toolbar .Link >
</ Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Action
aria-label ="Next"
title ="Next"
href ="#"
symbol ="angle-right"
</ Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Action
aria-label ="Close"
title ="Close"
href ="#"
symbol ="times"
</ Toolbar .Item >
</ Toolbar .Nav >
</ Toolbar >
</ div >
</ Provider >
) ;
Toolbar.Nav is the highest level wrapper to be used inside the Toolbar to wrap all the content inside.
Toolbar.Item represents a Toolbar child item, a list item that is supposed to wrap around any of the other low-level components.
Toolbar.Section is a wrapper to be used inside the Toolbar.Item that makes the contents it wraps display inline.
Toolbar.Action is used when you want a clickable icon to add an action in the Toolbar.
Toolbar.Input , Toolbar.Label and Toolbar.Link are essentially a wrapper around their respective Clay components with some specifics related to Toolbar.
import { Provider } from '@clayui/core' ;
import Toolbar from '@clayui/toolbar' ;
import { ClayInput } from '@clayui/form' ;
import Icon from '@clayui/icon' ;
import { ClayDropDownWithItems } from '@clayui/drop-down' ;
import Button , { ClayButtonWithIcon } from '@clayui/button' ;
import React from 'react' ;
import '@clayui/css/lib/css/atlas.css' ;
export default function App ( ) {
return (
< Provider spritemap ="/public/icons.svg" >
< div className ="p-4" >
< Toolbar >
< Toolbar .Nav >
< Toolbar .Item className ="text-left" expand >
< Toolbar .Section >
< label className ="component-title" >
{ 'Foo Bar' }
</ label >
< Icon symbol ="lock" />
</ Toolbar .Section >
</ Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Item >
< ClayInput .Group >
< ClayInput .GroupItem >
< ClayInput
className ="form-control-inline"
placeholder ="Search..."
</ ClayInput .GroupItem >
</ ClayInput .Group >
</ Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Section >
< Button .Group >
< ClayButtonWithIcon
aria-label ="Previous"
title ="Previous"
displayType ="secondary"
onClick ={ ( ) => { } }
symbol ="angle-left"
< ClayButtonWithIcon
aria-label ="Next"
title ="Next"
displayType ="secondary"
onClick ={ ( ) => { } }
symbol ="angle-right"
</ Button .Group >
</ Toolbar .Section >
</ Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Section >
< Button
displayType ="secondary"
onClick ={ ( ) => { } }
{ 'Delete' }
</ Button >
< Button
className ="inline-item-after"
onClick ={ ( ) => { } }
{ 'Edit' }
</ Button >
</ Toolbar .Section >
</ Toolbar .Item >
< Toolbar .Item >
< ClayDropDownWithItems
items ={ [
{ href : '#one' , label : 'one' } ,
{ href : '#two' , label : 'two' } ,
disabled : true ,
href : '#three' ,
label : 'three' ,
} ,
{ href : '#four' , label : 'four' } ,
] }
trigger ={
< ClayButtonWithIcon
aria-label ="More Actions"
title ="More Actions"
displayType ="unstyled"
symbol ="ellipsis-v"
</ Toolbar .Item >
</ Toolbar .Nav >
</ Toolbar >
</ div >
</ Provider >
) ;
API Reference Parameters Properties inlineBreakpoint "lg" | "sm" | "xs" | "md" | "xl" | undefined
Adds a helper class that turns the Toolbar inline at a specified breakpoint.
light boolean | undefined
Determines if the tbar-light class should be added to the Toolbar, making it's background white.
subnav boolean | { disabled ?: boolean; displayType ?: "light" | "primary" ; } | undefined
Defines if the toolbar should have the subnav-tbar
Returns Element
Action { ({ className, disabled, spritemap, symbol, ... otherProps }: IProps): JSX .Element; displayName : string; }
Parameters disabled boolean | undefined
Flag that determines if the Action will have a disabled
class, disabling interactions.
spritemap string | undefined
Path to clay icon spritemap
Symbol of the icon used inside the Action. You can find available symbols here: https://clayui.com/docs/components/icon.html
Returns Element{ ({ className, ... otherProps }: IProps): JSX .Element; displayName : string; }
Parameters component "input" | "textarea" | React.ForwardRefExoticComponent < any > | undefined
Input component to render. Can either be a string like 'input' or 'textarea' or a component.
insetAfter boolean | undefined
Flag to indicate if input-group-inset-after
class should be applied
insetBefore boolean | undefined
Flag to indicate if input-group-inset-before
class should be applied
sizing "lg" | "regular" | "sm" | undefined
Selects the height of the input.
Returns Element
Item { ({ children, className, expand, ... otherProps }: IProps): JSX .Element; displayName : string; }
Parameters expand boolean | undefined
Flag to indicate if Item should auto expand to fill the remaining width.
Returns Element
Label { ({ children, className, ... otherProps }: IProps): JSX .Element; displayName : string; }
Parameters closeButtonProps (React.ButtonHTMLAttributes < HTMLButtonElement > & { ref?: ( instance : HTMLButtonElement | null ) => void ; }) | undefined
HTML properties that are applied to the 'x' button.
innerElementProps (React.BaseHTMLAttributes < HTMLAnchorElement | HTMLSpanElement > & React.RefAttributes < HTMLAnchorElement | HTMLSpanElement > ) | undefined
Pros to add to the inner label item
spritemap string | undefined
Path to the location of the spritemap resource used for Icon.
withClose boolean | undefined
Flag to indicate if component should include the close button
dismissible boolean | undefined
Flag to indicate if label-dismissible
class should be applied.
displayType "secondary" | "info" | "warning" | "danger" | "success" | "unstyled" | undefined
Determines the style of the label.
large boolean | undefined
Flag to indicate if the label should be of the large
Returns Element
Link { ({ children, className, disabled, ... otherProps }: IProps): JSX .Element; displayName : string; }
Parameters disabled boolean | undefined
Flag that determines if the Link will have a disabled
class, disabling interactions.
block boolean | undefined
Renders the button as a block element.
borderless boolean | undefined
Flag to indicate if link should be borderless.
button boolean | { block ?: boolean; monospaced ?: boolean; small ?: boolean; } | undefined
Config for button props
decoration "underline" | "none" | null | undefined
Indicates if the text should be underlined
displayType "primary" | "secondary" | "danger" | "unstyled" | "tertiary" | undefined
Determines how the link is displayed.
fontSize Number | undefined
Sets the text size based on a number scale.
messages { opensNewWindow : string; } | undefined
Messages used for announcement to SR. Use this for internationalization.
monospaced boolean | undefined
Flag to indicate if the link should be monospaced.
outline boolean | undefined
Flag to indicate if the link should use the outlined style.
small boolean | undefined
Indicates whether the button should use the small variant.
weight "normal" | "semi-bold" | undefined
Determines the font-weight of the link.
Returns Element
Nav { ({ children, className, wrap, ... otherProps }: IProps): JSX .Element; displayName : string; }
Parameters Specifies whether the tbar-nav-wrap
class should be added to the Toolbar.Nav
Returns Element
Section { ({ children, className, ... otherProps }: React.HTMLAttributes < HTMLDivElement > ): JSX .Element; displayName : string; }
Edit this page on GitHub Contributors
Matuzalém Teles, Krešimir Čoko
Last edited January 29, 2025 at 1:35:02 AM