A select is very similar to a dropdown visually but it let users select options from the panel and then represent the selection in the button.
install | yarn add @clayui/core |
version | 3.125.0 |
Property | Description |
active boolean | Flag to indicate if the DropDown menu is active or not (controlled). |
aria-describedby string | The global aria-describedby attribute identifies the element that
describes the component. |
aria-label string | The aria-label attribute defines a string value that labels an interactive
element. |
aria-labelledby string | The aria-labelledby attribute identifies the element (or elements) that
labels the element it is applied to. |
as | 'button'
| React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>
| ((props: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>) => JSX.Element) | Custom trigger component. The default value is 'button' |
className string | Sets the CSS className for the component. |
defaultActive boolean | Property to set the default value of active (uncontrolled).The default value is false |
defaultSelectedKey React.Key | The initial selected key (uncontrolled). |
direction 'bottom' | 'top' | Direction the menu will render relative to the Picker. The default value is 'bottom' |
disabled boolean | Flag to indicate that the component is disabled. |
id string | The id of the component. |
messages {
itemSelected: string;
itemDescribedby: string;
} | Texts used for assertive messages to SRs. The default value is { itemDescribedby: 'You are currently on a text element, inside of a list box.', itemSelected: '{0}, selected', } |
native boolean | Flag to make the component hybrid, when identified it is on a mobile
device it will use the native selector. The default value is false |
onActiveChange InternalDispatch<boolean> | Callback for when the active state changes (controlled). |
onSelectionChange InternalDispatch<React.Key> | Callback calling when an option is selected. |
placeholder string | Text that appears when you don't have an item selected. The default value is 'Select an option' |
selectedKey React.Key | The currently selected key (controlled). |
width number | Sets the width of the panel. |
UNSAFE_menuClassName string | Sets the className for the React.Portal Menu element. |
Property | Description |
aria-describedby string | The global aria-describedby attribute identifies the element (or elements) that describes the element on which the attribute is set. |
aria-label string | The aria-label attribute defines a string value that labels an interactive
element. |
aria-labelledby string | The aria-labelledby attribute identifies the element (or elements) that
labels the element it is applied to. |
aria-posinset number | Sets the number or position in the current set of listitems or treeitems when not all items are present in the DOM. |
aria-setsize number | Sets the number of items in the current set of listitems or treeitems when not all items in the set are present in the DOM. |
children React.ReactNode | The contents of the component. |
disabled boolean | Flag that indicates if option is disabled. |
href string | Path or URL |
textValue string | Sets a text value if the component's content is not plain text. This value is used in the combobox element to show the selected option. |