Localized Input
A text input variation used in fields that can be translated into multiple languages.
install | yarn add @clayui/localized-input |
version | 3.127.0 |
Stable3.127.0View in LexiconCHANGELOG
Property | Description |
ariaLabels {
default: string;
openLocalizations: string;
translated: string;
untranslated: string;
} | Labels for the aria attributes The default value is { default: 'Default', openLocalizations: 'Open Localizations', translated: 'Translated', untranslated: 'Untranslated', } |
helpText React.ReactText | Add informational text at the top of Localized Input. |
label React.ReactText | Label of the input The default value is 'Check for translations' |
prependContent React.ReactText | Content to be prepended in case you want to localize a URL. |
locales Array<IItem> | List of locales to allow localization for |
onSelectedLocaleChange (val: IItem) => void | Callback that gets called when a selected locale gets changed |
onTranslationsChange (val: ITranslations) => void | Callback that gets called when a translation of the selected locale gets changed |
resultFormatter (val: string) => React.ReactNode | Allows specifying custom formatter, for example for formatting URLs, to be output after translating The default value is (val) => val |
selectedLocale IItem | Exposes the currently selected locale |
spritemap string | Path to the location of the spritemap resource. |
translations ITranslations | Translations provided to the component to be used and modified by it |
| The default value is 'Text to translate...' |